Mount Meru

Mount Meru
Africa's 10th Highest Mountain

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Elephant Day... PART 1...

Sunrise on the Serengeti

The Rising Serengeti Sunshine
The early morning rise in the dark was warmed with a hot sweet coffee, but the sight of the rising sun on the Serengeti made it more than worthwhile. The first animals appeared quickly this morning – a gracious elephant herd grazing, on a day which will forever be known as elephant day. 

Again, the plethora of animals was spectacular, as they all appeared keen to avoid the heat of the midday sun, by making an early appearance, much to our delight.

Rod Stewart on Safari...

Pool Commentator - Two Hits To Who??


The first proper sighting!

Excitement rose as Simba’s had been spotted across the plains making an early morning kill. With great excitement we approached the scene, but the long Serengeti grass obscured the full picture, but we could see Simba’s mane shining brightly in the early morning sun.

Simba after breakfast

A Jackal keen to get in on the breakfast


With a little movement, the true tally of the pride was seen, 5 females, 2 cubs and 2 males. The lions were so close to our jeep that I was terrified my beating heart would betray my excitement: I realised I was holding my breath!

Here Kitty Kitty...

A hairdo Derek the cat would be jealous of...


Machars Lion??

As Simba walked away we truly couldn’t believe the day could get any better...


1 comment:

  1. Fabulous that lion simba was really close to the bus what a super experience very envious - matrnity sounds quite interesting and getting on with life - well done - super ex
