Mount Meru

Mount Meru
Africa's 10th Highest Mountain

Friday 20 January 2012


I am really far too excited to be able to write anything useful or interesting on the blog today. It is just 13 and a half hours til I need to be at the airport (not that I am counting or anything!!) The suitcase is practically packed (if mum's reading this, then it is completely packed and closed!) Just doing some last minute organising things, which really are just a way of keeping myself busy. I'm not sure if there is a medical condition or prhenomena where humans combust with excitement - this may occur if I think about it all too much...
Anyhoo, the focus this week was getting to grips with some casic Swahili before I get out there - so far I have mastered Jambo, counting to ten and saying please and thank you. Although i am compeletely aware that a few more phrases will be useful before I get into the hospital next week, like "how are you feeling today?" and I am sure I will benefit thoroughly from the twice weekly swahili lessons when I get out to Arusha!
As this may be the last blog before I leave for the adventure, I just wanted to say thank you very much for all the support and encouragement I have received so far, it means a great deal to me as I head off on my adventure. I'll be in touch very soon!
K x


  1. Hey Kezzabell good luck lovely were all sat reading your blog with a cuppa!!

    Hope your flihts been ok & you arrive safely.

    Keep us posted on your adventure & we'll look after Mr Beech for you.

    Lots of love Julie Si Simon & Harrison xxx

  2. Hay Kerry love ,I`m sure I speak for all your followers when I say "Get blogging !!" I cant wait to hear about your first day at the Hospital or of the adventures you have planned.Has your hair gone frizzie yet? Dont save it all for OK magazine! spill the beans Kezzabele.Im hoping reading this blog should save me £30 a month on sky while youre away.xxxx
